I have always been intrigued by descriptions of something passing into something else—the thresholds when matter, energy, knowledge, being, apparently ‘passes’ from one state into another, and also the vagueness with which these processes are described. How long or short are these processes? Are they continuous, discontinuous, maybe both? And does this not depend not only on when one begins to take account but, possibly, where perception, cognition and technologies find their limits? Some think of these passings as a constant ‘becoming’ yet the balance or relationship between stability and instability, some element’s change within larger quasi-stable milieu, are questions that haunt me in my inquiries as artist, educator and processual thinker-doer.
This reading group is oriented toward thinking about the spatio-temporal aspects of these transformations, hoping to kindle curiosity about scales, levels and the potential of engaging closed and open systems in order to tip…balance, knowledge, perception, poiesis.
No prior knowledge of these notions is required nor expected from you, just willingness to read and think together. All texts will be shared in PDF or similar format 2 weeks prior to each date.
#1 | Saturday Feb. 11th, 2023; 2-4 EST (via zoom)
The instant and its importance toward breaking with continuity
Gaston Bachellard, Intuition of the Instant
#2 | Saturday Feb. 25th, 2023; 2-4 EST | place TBD (possibly zoom and in-person option)
Both-And, shattering certain ontological logic – paradoxical spacetimes?
Readings TBD : Nicolescu/others on transdisciplinarity and liminal spaces
#3 | Saturday March 18th, 2023; 2-4 EST | place TBD (possibly zoom and in-person option)
Subject-Object relationalities and continuous~discontinuous processes
Mark Hansen, System-Environment Hybrids
Augustin Berque, something on milieu/mesologics (TBD)
Optional : D. Niles’ piece on basketry
#4 | Saturday March 25th or April 1st, 2023; 2-4 EST | place TBD (possibly zoom and in-person option)
Performing paradox : of passings, minute and large
Readings/viewings TBD
Potential Ancillary Activity (Monday March 20th, 6:00-8:00 PM, in person at The Graduate Center, room TBD and activity to be confirmed) Conversation amongst members of HoT, Daniel Niles and GC/expanded audience (maybe also a basketry weaving workshop)